High temperatures accelerate the corrosive action of water that includes low pH, conductivity of minerals in water and oxidation. Recirculation in your hot water systems increase the frequency of potential corrosive actions. Renew protection creates a microscopic insulation layer that forms inside the pipe and protects it from corrosive elements and leaching of lead and other materials.
Why Do Hot Water Pipes Leak More Frequently?
An increase in temperature increases the rate of electrochemical corrosion reaction and the acceleration of the corrosive action of the water. Studies show that the corrosion of steel may be stepped up three to four times the normal rate when the temperature of the water is increased from 60°F to 140°F. Greater volumes of hot water also have intensified the corrosive action of water.
Domestic hot water recirculation systems work by continuously circulating hot water from the water heater through a dedicated loop of pipes to the fixtures that require hot water, such as faucets and showers. This reduces the amount of time it takes for hot water to reach these fixtures, which can help conserve water and energy. Due to the continuous nature of recirculation systems, corrosive effects (if present) subsequently increase in frequency. Hot water systems fail first due to near continuous flow of hot water in your pipes compared to cold water pipes that move only on demand.
3 Major Causes of Corrosion: pH, Conductivity, Oxygen
pH of Water
When water is acid, or even slightly alkaline, it tends to be corrosive. There are examples of strong acids rapidly dissolving metals. When water is low in pH, the same type of action occurs, although at a slower rate.
Electrical Conductivity of Dissolved Mineral Solids in Water
The electrical conductivity of a water supply also affects its corrosive action. When dissimilar metals are in contact in a solution, an electric current flows between the two metals and one of the metals gradually dissolves. Local impurities may exist on the metallic surface. There may also be impurities due to either the metallic or the nonmetallic substances in the water itself. The rate of corrosion due to electrolytic action depends on the dissolved mineral solids in the water. The more of these solids, the greater their ability to carry an electric current and greater corrosiveness.
Free Oxygen-Oxidation
Free oxygen in water can also cause corrosion. Just as metals are exposed to air rust or tarnish, metals in the plumbing system can be attacked by the oxygen in the water. The oxygen in water actually combines with the metal to form an “oxide.” The chemical reaction is the same as occurs when moist air rusts unprotected metallic surfaces. In water or in moist air, a reaction with oxygen consumes a portion of the metal present. Corrosion in water systems due to dissolved oxygen commonly takes the form of deep pitting rather than a general attack of the entire surface. A single small hole can make a component of a plumbing system ineffective.
It’s a fact: hot water pipes leak more frequently–and Renew has a solution that can help. Corrosion control has been used by utilities for over 90 years to protect miles of pipes that supply customers. Renew’s corrosion control system offers multifamily properties this same utility-grade corrosion control to protect their pipes on premises. The Renew solution can be the most economical. It can address plumbing failures fully and quickly, has a low upfront cost, doesn’t require access to units, installs in a day and has a moderate, predictable monthly costs.
Call Renew today at 800-616-8805 for a free consultation and find out if corrosion control is the solution to your plumbing problems.
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