Reputation Matters: How Preventing Hotel Water Leaks with Anti-Corrosive Plumbing Systems Can Boost Guest Satisfaction, Elevate Your Hotel’s Ratings, and Increase Revenue As a hotel owner or manager, maintaining a high standard for guest experience is critical to your business’s success. One of the most common yet preventable issues in the hospitality industry is water [...]
Reputation Matters: Prevent Water Leaks to Keep Tenants Happy and Boost Your Online Ratings How Anti-Corrosive Plumbing Systems Can Transform Tenant Satisfaction and Google Reviews As an apartment owner or property manager, you know how crucial building maintenance is for tenant satisfaction and property value. One of the most common and disruptive issues in apartment [...]
In the hustle and bustle of hotel operations, even a small wet spot on the wall or ceiling can signal a big problem. When guests report a hotel water leak, it sets off a chain reaction of disruption and frustration for both management and patrons. As any hotel operator is well aware, any plumbing issue can become a significant challenge for both current and future operations […]
Why Hot Water Pipes Leak More Frequently – And How Renew Can Help High temperatures accelerate the corrosive action of water that includes low pH, conductivity of minerals in water and oxidation. Recirculation in your hot water systems increase the frequency of potential corrosive actions. Renew protection creates a microscopic insulation layer that forms inside [...]
Four Options for Plumbing Repair Pipes will fail over time; it’s just the laws of science and nature at work. No matter how complicated your plumbing problems may be, there are four options toward resolution. Below we’ve outlined the pros and cons to each. 1. React to Failures By far the most common approach to [...]
Don’t Lose Your Property Insurance Over Plumbing Failures Plumbing failures can destroy the insurability of multi-family properties Outside of the direct costs of leaks–such as plumber labor, material expenses, destroyed property claims, and opportunity cost for management and maintenance staff–failing pipes can dramatically impact a property’s insurance profile. Insurance experts say that water damage to [...]
Five Signs It’s Time to Protect Your Plumbing Plumbing problems at multi-family properties are often obvious, but some issues can hide in plain sight. Determining how to address plumbing problems is a difficult task, and often requires additional context. When the property is old and you know the pipes have a limited life, then it’s only [...]
A Plumbing Solution for Buying or Selling an Apartment Property A Cost-Effective & Efficient Way to Address Aging Plumbing Maintenance logs are among the first documents requested when an apartment property is being sold. Extensive plumbing repair bills and erratic repair costs can be red flags. Buyers seek predictability when purchasing a new property, which [...]
Take Control of Your Plumbing Health Renew Pipe Corrosion Control Can Give Your Pipes a Lifeline Every day your apartment community or condo building decays further. The roof endures another barrage of wind, sun and extreme temperature, wearing it down a bit more. The HVAC and boiler equipment log more hours, inching closer toward the [...]
How to Extend the Life of Your Plumbing System Apartment, Condo and Multifamily Water Leak and Pipe Corrosion Prevention It starts with a wet spot on the wall or ceiling. The resident call comes into the leasing office with a tone of irritation and frustration. Property management notifies all apartment residents within the affected area [...]